Isolated Communities Resilience Grants

This is a preview of the Isolated Communities Resilience Grant 2024 - Application Form form. When you’re ready to apply, click Fill Out Now to begin.


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The Isolated Communities Resilience Grant will provide funds to Tasmanian local governments to purchase physical resources and equipment that will be pre-positioned in communities at risk of becoming isolated during an emergency. Establishing a sense of safety and security and meeting practical needs after an emergency will help to reduce initial distress in isolated communities and supports long-term recovery.

The purpose of this grant is to provide funding for assets to support communities which may become isolated during emergencies and be unable to access primary evacuation centres.

The target outcomes are:

  • Tasmania has sufficient evacuation resources to meet the basic needs of isolated communities in a disaster.  
  • Evacuation resources are strategically located in line with risk-based priorities.
  • The negative impacts of disasters on isolated communities are reduced through the provision of resources that can establish electricity and communication channels.

Funding Arrangements

Grants of between $5,000 and $40,000 are available per isolated community for the purchase of physical resources and equipment which support community disaster resilience; such as:

  • Storage facilities
  • Batteries and solar panels
  • Generators
  • Charging devices
  • Emergency lighting
  • Radios
  • Mobile reception booster
  • Other assets which may provide for a community’s basic needs while isolated

Current, formal quotations for all requested items and/or services must be submitted with the application.

Applications are encouraged, where possible, to use local Tasmanian suppliers.

Funding is provided on a one-off basis. There will be no additional funding for maintenance or replacement of assets.


For further details, please access the guidelines associated with this program here.





Confirmation of Eligibility

I confirm, as an authorised representative of the organisation, that:

  • I have read and understand the program Guidelines,
  • I am able to demonstrate alignment between this application and the aims of this program, and

I also confirm that the organisation meets all of the following criteria:

Applicants must:

  • be a local government authority (council); and
  • have signed the LGAT Protocol for Inter-Council Emergency Management Resource Sharing 2018, or commit to sign the protocol during the project period; and
  • be responsible for all costs associated with storing, maintaining and replacing the resources and equipment; and
  • list all funded assets in the Department of Premier and Cabinet's Recovery Resources Asset Register, and keep the register up to date.


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